transmuting wounds into light
— we heal
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The Mission of Healing at the Root Program

A comprehensive and integrative individualized holistic mental and spiritual health program as an alternative to western approaches

Healing at the Root is offered either virtually or in person

In the Healing at the Root Program we work together to release and transmute existing mental health imbalances and diagnosis, depression, spiritual crisis, anxiety, and/or various forms of trauma and patterns. By unearthing and healing at the root this work addresses health from a truly holistic lens, including the mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, energetic, ancestral, environmental, familial, nutritional, multiple lifetimes, subconscious mind, belief systems, stored trauma, systemic, somatic, behavior patterns, habits, intergenerational cycles, being a highly sensitive person & every day practical aspects and influences of health.

We work to create real and lasting shifts with an integrative, decolonized, depathologized, indigenous rooted approach to mental & spiritual health and create a whole new normal. We aim to manifest holistic healing & real personal transformation in your mind, body, spirit, and emotions, and assist in your awakening. We believe everything is healable and we can manifest exactly what we want with intention, consistency, work and belief. Please read these Stories of Transformation of clients beautiful transformations with Healing at the Root for inspiration!

This is done through a co-created personalized healing plan of action and intentions, and integrating tailored holistic wellness tools, practices, habits/behavior & lifestyle changes, rituals, resources, spiritual counseling & coaching, holistic-centered intuitive counseling, reiki healing energy therapy, ancestral connection/healing, Current Life Regression work, energetic extraction of trauma and pain, as well as supportive guidance, accountability system, tracking victories, integration support and more (outlined below). This program supports deepening spiritual connection & understanding the spiritual messages and roots behind your pain and mental/emotional imbalances (and possibly unintegrated special healing and channeling abilities); gives you the tools and support to be an active agent and alchemist in transforming your health and healing, give birth to your true self, step deeper into self-love and your own intuitive knowings, gain clarity on your soul’s purpose and assist with your awakening and ascension. Identifying where trauma, pain and misaligned beliefs are stuck in the energetic, mental and physical body and releasing them in tangible ways (both yours and those from your family and ancestral lineage held in your body and subconcious mind) and creating new ones; identifying misaligned patterns and beliefs that are being held subconsciously and shifting them at various levels; and real-time shifts in habits, lifestyle behaviors, diet, and more, that support your well-being. We support you in gaining clarity on everything that contributes to your imbalances and how to make tangible shifts in each area. Healing core wounds, unhealthy collective programming, self-limiting and self-critical beliefs, fears, karmic patterns and intergenerational cycles armed with lifelong tools and practices as the journey continues, this work supports individuals in transmuting their wounds into light and pain into true power.

Coming from a space of deep understanding of the journey & using the tools that helped me heal from my own mental, emotional and spiritual struggles- as well as my skills as a mental health holistic healing practitioner, intuitive spiritual counselor and coach and energy medicine practitioner, I created this program to support my clients in becoming whole. There is power in healing ourselves. It's what we've always done in our communities, and I am deeply committed to reviving those ways of 'alternative’ (ancient) healing inside of a system that doesn't seem to be too vested in our actual healing. We move with the wisdom that we don’t have to live with our pain for life/lifetimes, that healing is possible, that we are alchemists. We shift our attachment and identification with the pain, we let the old self, habits and beliefs die. Read more HERE for inspiration and deeper philosophy behind this program.

This program is designed for people who are struggling but feel a deeper knowing that something bigger is trying to emerge and be birthed but:

  • feel that conventional medical responses to mental and emotional health struggles don't fully resonate for you

  • are seeking an integrative and holistic healing approach outside of the medical industrial complex that supports healing at a deeper and more comprehensive level with a decolonized approach & spiritual integration

  • are unsure of how to move through these struggles and want a guide to support you along the journey

  • are ready to stand in courage and be an active agent in your healing journey to transform how you experience life and get free, step into your sovereignty, making a different relationship to long-standing pain and truly shifting it

  • have begun an awakening journey and are experiencing “dark night of the soul” and seek support with making sense of and integrating it all

  • are the “cycle breakers” in your family (and sometimes feeling alien in the family system)

This program includes:

  • An Individualized Healing Plan of Action that we co-create together to reflect your identified concerns and healing goals and intentions

  • Weekly sessions/calls to support transformation and integration every step of the way

  • Reiki Energy Healing and Intuitive/Holistic-Centered Counseling sessions

  • Accountability and Support Check-in Coaching Sessions (alternative the above sessions)

  • My trainings + personal experience in healing myself to guide you in being in action around your healing intentions and normalize the process

    • Development of relevant and tailored holistic practices, exercises, lifestyle and behavior change tools and support in implementing and integrating them into your life

    • Ongoing provision of resources/practices/exercises + lifestyle & behavior change & self-love tools + mindfulness work

    • Rituals + deepening of spiritual practices + ancestral connections/contact

    • Intuitive Coaching & Alchemy Guidance

    • Support with creating a life-long regimen of self-care practices and maneuvering life as an empath and highly sensitive person

    • Supporting you in developing an ongoing awareness of what is happening within you, your body, your subconscious mind and how to respond and shift in an empowered way

    • Techniques and support to release and shift patterns, beliefs, habits, programming, fears and intergenerational cycles and integrate new ones into your life (create new normals)

    • Tracking of progress towards weekly plans, celebrating victories and successes and support moving through bumps that arise

    • Tools to navigate innate healing/psychic/spiritual abilities, being a highly-sensitive person to support mental balance and/or growing your intuition

    • Support with integrating and understanding what is revealed during energy medicine and spiritual awakening experiences

    • Making correlations and seeing health and healing as truly holistic - from mental, spiritual, emotional, physical, ancestral, energetic, environmental, familial lens - and drawing linkages

    • Gaining key understanding of how much control one has over their well-being, from the food you eat to the people you engage, to the various environments you’re in and your lifestyle habits (and more!)

    • How to release attachment to depression, anxiety, trauma and tragedies and Create new normals and new ways of being

    • Clearing ancestral and familial traumas from your lineage that you’re carrying and creating new cycles

    • Utilizing manifestation and the law of attraction to create the reality you desire

  • Reiki Level I Training & Attunement at program culmination for continued self-healing energy work

  • Loving and consistent sisterhood, support and motivation

*Healing at the Root is offered as a 6 month or 1 -year program and longer for those interested in continuing to work together.

Establish Solid Ground

  • Co-create a healing plan for our 6 months together

  • Creating powerful healing intentions and commitment

  • Getting clear on patterns, pain and beliefs to be released and a path to create new corresponding habits and beliefs

  • Begin our healing session rhythm together

  • Begin implementation of practices and exercises

Invoking Trust in Self

  • Become the courageous self-healer you truly are and ground in your power

  • Release the burden of your past

  • Activate a heightened awareness of your life’s beauty

Agency of Self-Love  & Awareness

  • Master-level learning about your particular place in the universe and the peace you can feel through your connection to life itself

  • Get to the root of your fear, trauma and pain - understand how it manifests in your life now- and how to weed it out with Current Life Regression

  • Become new – master new self-care practices/tools and resources 

  • Create a new normal: shift unhealthy habits and patterns through direct intentional action

  • Cultivate deep awareness of the higher purpose of the pain and the spiritual lessons underneath 

  • Transmute pain to power


  • Manifest a personal and deeper relationship to the Creator and the Spirit that guides all life and activate your inner guidance system

  • Integrate what you’ve learned to continue supporting your journey through life

  • Spearhead the breaking of unhealthy generational cycles within family system

  • Releasing stuck energy from where it is stored in the body

  • A knowing that you now can alchemize any future challenges that arise

  • Celebrate your accomplishments

The Intentional Result for Healing at the Root is that you feel as if you have come home to your true self and are not weighed down by your pain any longer. Instead you feel as if your pain activated your light and have deep gratitude for the lessons and healings it provided. You no longer feel lost or crazy. You feel as if the old you has died and a new version has been birthed. You have more control of your thoughts with more balanced emotions and a deeper connection to Spirit. At the culmination of this program, the intention is for you to be in an empowered rhythm of caring for yourself in mind, body, and spirit. You are clear why you are here and what your soul came to do. You may have even have birthed the inner healer in you.

Click here to book a Complimentary Healing at the Root Consultation

In this session you will gain clarity on what might be causing your emotional, mental and spiritual pain, and clear steps you can take to heal and transmute it at its root. We will also discuss if one of my Healing At the Root programs is a good fit for you right now. After you fill out the short application (by following the link) you will be sent a link to book a time for your complimentary session in my calendar.