“awaken your innate abilities”
Reiki Training & Attunements
Reiki Level 1, Reiki Level 2 Practitioner, and Reiki Level 3/Master classes available
REIKI healing LEVEL 1 Training and attunement CLASSes (Group and Private)
In this 1-day Reiki Level 1 class you will learn all about Reiki healing energy, how to give a healing treatment (including in-class practice), and receive the Reiki Level 1 initiation attunement, enabling you to be a channel for spiritual energy medicine to use for self-healing, and for giving healing treatments to friends and family (Please see further down for Level 2 Professional Practitioner Training).
The class will include the following:
Guided meditation, personal check-ins, and grounding in intentions for learning Reiki
An overview of Reiki, including principles, benefits, history, how Reiki heals, how Reiki works, what people can experience during and after Reiki, energy medicine, the biofield, clearing blocks, the 7 main chakras and Reiki
Protection, cleansing and grounding techniques
Reiki Level 1 attunement - a sacred spiritual initiation ceremony that connects one to healing energy and source activating innate healing abilities, to enable recipient to be a channel and use Reiki in practice and activating spirit guide support for the journey/work; we will also discuss what an attunement is and how it works (please see below in FAQ section for what to expect during and after attunements)
Description of steps for giving a healing session (for self-healing practice and how to give session to friends or family)
How to interpret what is felt during Reiki (for both giver and recipient); scanning energy centers; Reiki and The Claires
Demonstration of Reiki hand positions & a full healing session
Full Hands-on Healing Session Practice (students practice on one another for group classes, practices on teacher for private class)
Guidance on 21 day Post-Attunement Process & Self-Care
Handouts & Reiki Manual
Continued ongoing support and guidance as your practice continues to unfold
This class, available as both a private or group class, is taught from the heart and supported by the divine guides that walk with us. I am grateful to be a channel.
After you register for the class, you will receive guidance on how to prepare for the class and attunement ceremony.
Reiki healing level 2 Attunement & PROFESSIONAL Practitioner training class
Reiki Level 2 is a progression of what was learned in Level 1, for those that have Received Level 1 Attunement and practiced self-Reiki (and with others informally) for some time, and are ready to become professional practitioners. This Level 2 initiation deepens and increases the level of universal energy flowing within the practitioner. Specific sacred symbols used during sessions are also introduced which strengthen the effectiveness of the energy by expanding the energy channels. In Reiki Level 2, you also learn how to conduct distance healings, how to further read and interpret chakras, and how to be a professional practitioner.
This 1-day class includes the following:
Shares of experience with Reiki Level 1 and related questions, setting intentions for Level 2
Reiki Symbols- meanings, purpose, and how to draw them
How to use Reiki Symbols during healing treatments
Distance Healing Overview
How to give a distance session
Reading energy field, chakras, chakra and body communication, energetic extractions and more
What a practitioner feels during a session and how to interpret what comes through/what is felt/picked up on
from clients interpreting what clients experience; Reiki and the Claires/psychic awareness
Review of protection, grounding and cleansing techniques
Reiki Level 2 attunement initiation ceremony
Full hands-on healing session practice utilizing symbols
Tools for Intuitive Counseling & Integration Approach for energy medicine
Advice and guidance on being a Reiki Practitioner and building a professional practice
Set up for distance healing practice (post class)
Reiki Master/Teacher (Level 3) training is available - please send a message to arrange an interview if you are an experienced level 2 practitioner and interested in and ready for the next level
What is an attunement?
An attunement is a sacred spiritual ceremony that connects one to the higher levels of consciousness and provides access to unlimited source of healing energy. It gives on the ability to do and give Reiki (it is different from a Reiki session). The attunement, also known as an “initiation” is activated by a Reiki master that connects your chakras to source and Reiki healing energy. It clears ones channel (and cleanses on various levels), and allows one to be a channel for energy medicine. Level 1, also known as First Degree, allows the initiate to be a conduit to channel healing to themselves, to friends and family. This gift can help to continue assisting ones on a spiritual journey by activating continued healing in mental, spiritual, emotional and physical bodies. The beautiful thing about Reiki is that the more it is used, the more ones channels are opened. The Level 2 attunement allows one to receive the ability to do distance healing as well as receive a boost in Reiki energy, increasing the power of the Reiki offered to others.
What does it feel like to receive an attunement?
Students have various experiences while receiving an attunement. Some things that have been expressed include: feeling things being pulled and released from their crown/head/body (part of cleansing process needed to be a channel and do healing work), body vibrating, energy flowing thru (and being released from) the body, tingling + warmth/heat in the hands/body, feeling an activation in the hands, feeling out of body/this dimension, being visited by ancestors/spirit guides/creator telling them messages /feeling presence of + seeing ancestors, feeling the third eye or crown area opening, feeling a release in tense/painful areas, feeling a spiritual + energetic cleanse, receiving clarity on life purpose, deep peace + grounding, high/lightheaded, seeing images, visualizations, seeing colors, white lights wash over them, feeling elated + joyful, feeling strong current move thru body, crying and feeling very emotional, feeling releases of various kinds, nausea, flatulence, feeling self expanding, feeling asleep but not sleep (dreaming awake), feeling energy and light entering body, feeling as if water is being poured over the body, feeling deep peace, calm and grounded, feeling areas of body opening and energy entering, receiving downloads, clarity and messages about ones life in various areas, buzzing in ears, feeling movement in different parts of body, feeling body vibrating, etc.
What happens during the 21-day post attunement process?
During the first 21 days after your attunement, your body will cleanse on all levels: mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional in order to prepare you to be a channel for energy medicine. This period can bring up toxins and other things that need to be released from the body. During the 21-Day Cleansing/Detoxification Period after your attunement, some things that are possible to experience are: chills, crying spells, diarrhea, feelings of sadness and buried emotions arise, fever, flu-like symptoms, frequent urination, headaches, increased body temperature, muscle stiffness or pain, tiredness, vivid dreams, fatigue. There will be guidance on what to do should these symptoms arise and how to care for yourself during this time.
People also experience emotional, physical, mental and spiritual shifts and changes of varying kinds after their attunement as things come to the surface and are revealed. Examples of these types of shifts post-attunement: better and deeper sleep, experiencing dreams for the first time (or more vivid dreams), being less reactionary, feeling more intuitive, more sensitive /extra sensitive, emotional purging, more clear sight, clear visions, heightened energy levels, extreme calm and grounded feelings, thoughts slowing down, feeling balanced, feeling a lot of clarity, confident in self and abilities, new found ability to meditate, feeling more in power, heightened insights around patterns and chillhood, clear on karmic patterns, etc! The experience varies for everyone.
Reiki attunements can also activate - or enhance - ones once-dormant innate healing abilities.
This can vary. From heightened intuitive awareness to more restful sleep, more energy, less stress and quicker recovery from physical ailments, to clearing chakra channels and increased flow of energy. One student shared the following: "After my Reiki Level 1 attunement & training, I feel really amazing and more energized throughout the day. I've also been more sensitive to the energy of people & situations, and can hear my intuition more loudly. I feel l happy, joyful & connected in a way that feels vaguely familiar...like this is how I felt early in my childhood. I now feel the sense that I am loved and feel supported by the divine powers and my ancestors. I feel a deeper sense of trust with where I am in the universe & in my path. I feel a lot calmer. I no longer feel anxious about not being somewhere I want to be. I practice Reiki on myself every day and I can really feel my vibration improving daily. I do Reiki daily before bed since my attunement and have noticed much better quality sleep. I do Reiki when I feel stressed or overwhelmed and can find a place of calm focus. I've also used it for pain management after a medical procedure and it felt so wonderful to be able to heal myself instead of taking medication. I feel an expanding sense of joy and gratitude for this practice."
Another student reflects: " The Reiki Level 1 initiation changed my life. I experienced the emergence of my divine self. I purged a lot of toxins and buried emotions in ways I can't fully explain yet. I just feel so much lighter and free. I have more insight into my purpose now and who I am. All of my senses have heightened and I feel more clear than ever. And the self-practice has been amazing. I was having severe insomnia but my daily self-treatments have calmed my mind so much I've started sleeping easily through the night! I can feel my heart healing and opening more & more and so many other things. I love being able to tap into this other portal so easily to help myself and loved ones. It feels like I'm doing magic..."
How long does an attunement last? Will it expire?
The attunements last for life and never expires.
What do I need to do to prepare for the class?
You will receive details of how to prepare for the class upon registration. One important thing to note is to avoid caffeine and alcohol 24 hours before you attunement.
How long should I wait after Reiki Level 1 to do Level 2?
Though it is a personal choice and should be intuitively guided when one is ready to be attuned to Level 2, it is recommended that one spend a minimum of 3 months up to 1 year at Level 1 providing healing to self and loved ones before journeying to the next level. When ready, Level 2 opens the door to being a "professional" healing practitioner. After several years of practice, being grounded in the work, and being called to teach and attune others, one may be guided to the Master level.
Are there any prerequisites to learning Reiki?
There are no prerequisites to Level 1. It is important to just come with an open mind and heart, and be ready to embark on a journey. However, it is recommended that you have received at least one Reiki healing session prior to learning Level 1.
For Level 2, the prerequisite is to be attuned to Level 1, and it is recommended to have engaged in self-healing for a minimum of 3 months.