Ancestral Healing & Spirit Guide
Direct Channeling Sessions
*offered virtually or in person*
"During my healing sessions with Selome, I was able to heal and open up to connections with various guides and ancestors. During one distance healing session in particular, I found myself shaking quite a bit. I began thinking about my dad and I was hearing a voice. I asked the voice, is this my dad, and it said yes. I started weeping, like sobbing, painful howls, and felt him all around me. I received clear information about why he passed away in the way he did, something I had been specifically seeking for a long time and asked to receive in our sessions. Then I heard a voice say, there is a cry buried deep deep inside of you, and until you let that cry out, you won't be able to find your voice, and I just started crying deeply. Then my great great grandfather came to me and told me a lot of details about our family lineage that I didn’t know about. And he told me the root of anger in our lineage. I was asking very specific questions and was receiving very specific answers. At some point I began feeling like I was floating on a wave in the ocean and I had the realization that it was my ancestors all supporting me. I asked them about my path and they said I am to do wonders.”
Who are these sessions for?
These sessions are for anyone who has a desire to experience direct connection, communication, and presence with their ancestors and spirit guides (including seeing, feeling, receiving messages from, and/or hearing them directly, receiving direct answers and guidance during sessions), having an ongoing relationship with and support from their ancestors and/or other types of spirit guides in their every day lives - and ultimately be their own spirit channel, as well as heal anything present related to their ancestors both those known and unknown.
And for those who have felt blocks in the way from the above happening for various reasons, and want support in clearing and transmuting them, and activating the spirit connection and any related healing. Whether it’s a fear of opening to the spirit realm, programming from society or religion, subconscious blocks, thinking that connecting with spirits means you’re ‘crazy’, perhaps pain and trauma connected to their ancestors and lineage that needs to be healed (and perhaps ancestors not ready or meant to be “guides”, please see further down for more on this), feeling they have to be a medium to connect directly with their guides or other possible blocks, unresolved grief; these sessions are designed to address all of the above and manifest what you desire in terms of spirit contact, bringing an abstract concept into your reality in a real, tangible, integrative and careful way. the sessions therefore also support one in healing what’s being held ancestrally and to allow both the person and at times their guides, to clear and release.
It is important to note that these energy clearing and ancestral/spirit guide activation & connection sessions will be you experiencing direct contact, communication & connection with your spirit guides and/or ancestors - seeing them, feeling them (presence or touch), hearing them and/or receiving messages from them yourself, receiving direct clarity on what you’ve been holding in relationship to this, who your guides are (and who isn’t a guide), clarity on any clearings that need to happen in your lineage or healing related to specific ancestors, and more. Instead of me telling people what their guides are saying and look like- am a bridge to connect people directly with their guides and support the understanding of what blocks are being held that need to be released, support the activation, clearing and release of blocks and fears needed for connection to occur during sessions and continue in life, help heal what needs to be healed in relation to ancestors, and support with integration and practices to continue cultivating the connection. Please see below for more details.
“I reached out to Selome because I was feeling called to do ancestral connection and healing work, to develop connection with a spirit guide and heal the difficult connection with my father who had passed on.
When we started the spirit guide who came through in my sessions pretty quickly was my maternal grandmother. And what ended up happening was this connection to my grandmother, feeling her presence with me, hearing messages from her during sessions and outside of sessions, noticing her sending me signs here and there, and just feeling a connection to something higher than myself. I also see my grandmother in my dreams now, and see and feel her when I partake in my practices like yoga or meditation. I was shocked at how straightforward it was for me to develop this connection with her! I remember in one of the sessions I heard her say “I’m looking for a place to land” and we discovered that was her way of telling me to create an altar so we can connect there. I also remember asking my grandmother for another sign that she was watching over me. I started to notice that she would send me messages in the form of birds often, like anytime I felt like I was struggling, I would notice a bird that would fly into my line of vision. I felt her energy communicating, “I am watching”. And I felt suddenly just stronger, emboldened, connected.
There were times where I felt her orchestrating things too. I’ve had a challenging relationship with my mom (my grandmothers daughter). And then once I started connecting with my grandma, and working with Selome, I noticed a palpable shift in my relationship with my mom, where she would reach out to me and it would feel very different. It felt like she was genuinely trying to see me and hear me and there was a lot of healing there. And I know that this work and my grandmother had something to do with it.
And then I thought, since my grandmother had passed away and transitioned into being a spirit guide, maybe my dad would be the same for me. And in working with Selome, I realized that I don't necessarily have to connect with the spirit of my father in the same way but that he could be a healing point, and not necessarily a spirit guide. And during our sessions I was able to let go of a lot of the resentment, anger, frustration, hatred that I felt towards him. And it felt lighter, I felt like I wasn't energetically carrying all of those hurt feelings from childhood anymore, and was able to let him be in his own humanity as a spirit and as somebody who has transitioned. And it felt powerful to forge this kind of connection with him that was more of a connection through forgiveness.”
In these energy clearing and ancestral/spirit guide activation & connection sessions - which include clearing and unblocking support when necessary- clients open up to and experience direct contact and connections with their ancestors/spirit guides (for many, it is the first time this is occurring; sometimes it occurs right away but often it is gradual over a few sessions and integration).
Some things clients have experienced during these sessions:
Feeling their guides - either feel presence around them, feel them in the room, or feel extra sets of hands on them in addition to mine
Seeing their guides (this can be gradual, sometimes people will get glimpses at first, and other times the full visual picture of them will appear in the persons mind; they might seem them doing an activity or simply just see what they look like)
Hearing their guides - some will hear their guides voice directly talking to them, giving them messages, answers, and clarity during the session
Receive messages from them - same as above but instead of “hearing” their voice, the person will receive a clear message and information mentally into their psyche during the session from their guide
Some people have received directives, assistance and suggestions for their lives from their guides, telling them information about what they are still holding that needs to be let go, something they need to stop doing, etc.
Some have received information about their ancestors, as well as information for their life and healing journey
Some spirit or ancestral guides have supported clients as they are healing other things during the session (i.e. some feel their protection and guidance during a difficult moment in the session such as when things are coming up and being released, sometimes guides have shown up to support people through current life regression journey in session)
Some people have been able to connect with parents or other loved ones who have passed on to the spirit realm and speak to/hear from their loved ones for a sense of peace and know they are ok (or clearing if needed), helping heal grief and also get clarity and comfort on the continuation of the life journey (also helping the spirit to continue on in their journey) - there have been a few instances where a parent one who has passed on comes to talk to their child to assure them they are ok, always with them, and even describe how beautiful it is for them in the spirit world
Some have been able to clear the pain directly connected to an ancestor, knowing they aren’t meant to be a “guide” but just wanted to heal the connection
Some clients have been able to clear the trauma and programming from their religion, that told them connected with spirits is an evil act (that also was previously in the way of them connecting)
Sometimes guides have given people information about their lineage, family and ancestry through visuals or direct messages.
Sometimes, more than 1 guide can show up for someone at the same time
For some, who or what their guides are will also be revealed, a new guide or guides can appear (if this is unknown and desired; for some, they have felt a presence but want to receive confirmation of who it is). Sometimes people are surprised by who shows up :)
I came to Selome to connect with my spirit guides because I haven’t been able to connect with them and I had been wanting to for a long time. In two sessions I was able to fully connect and not just that, but I got such clear and amazing communication from a specific guide. Many amazing things were revealed to me. I saw a guide very clearly and heard him say, “I’ve been here all along” and he told me very specific things about myself and my lineage. He was dancing and had very happy energy. I also had this feeling that someone was putting a blanket around me. Her energetic work did wonders on me. I am so grateful!!
For many of my clients, the way the guides show up both during and after sessions is varies greatly (and some receive connection, contact and information in all of the ways listed). The experience can also sometimes be quite emotional for clients.
While this connection can happen right away during a session, for some, clearing and activation support is necessary. This could be clearing any of the following: clearing and extraction of any family traumas, religious harmful lineage cycles and/or or beliefs, other limiting beliefs, pain, fear of spirit contact, anger lingering within lineage, programming that connecting with spirits/ancestors means your crazy, disconnect from self as spirit being, disbelief that connecting with a spirit guide is possible, or other blocks - will need to occur first. This can take time, trust, integration and a deep surrendering; the clearing can be right away, or a gradual progression.
One of the most wonderful aspects of this work is that even after the sessions, people continue experiencing a connection with/support from their spirit guides in their life going forward in various ways.
“I connected with my spirit guides (my ancestors) as part of my sessions and healing work with Selome. I connected with my grandparents and great grandmother. I never met them in the physical world, I actually didn’t know anything about them until I opened up to Reiki and continued to tap into my ability to connect. During the sessions I could see them and hear them and they shared their stories with me. They would continue to remind me that I’m protected, safe, and loved on an ongoing basis outside of sessions. When the healing journey got difficult, they would remind me of my power and that I have the strength to keep going and supported me through those moments. And I continue to connect with them through my meditation practice. Forming relationships with my ancestors has been the deepest form of love I have ever experienced.”
Healing the connection with the ancestor(s) (when necessary) is a big part of this work. Additionally, for some, this may mean healing the energetic and emotional presence of the pain within a person that has been passed down through their lineage, in order for not only a neessary healing/clearing to happen, but for a connection to manifest. There are often things being held by a person that is unknown and being held at the subconcious and energetic level - this will all be revealed, extracted and transmuted through this work. What can also be revealed is more clarity about what the ancestor went through on their journey, and the pain they carried. People at times will journey into different times in their life, or their ancestors life, to clear the past and release it. Ancestors and spirit guides have shown up to support people during Current Life Regression that can occur during these sessions. The sessions can be intense or subtle, out of body or very deep in the body, deep in the subconcious and spirit realm, extractive (feeling things being pulled out), reveal other things that may need to be seen, known, or felt, and can at times involve some shamanic type of experiences.
Another specific example to illustrate this includes one client who had some challenges with a grandmother when they were alive, was able to heal things during the sessions in relation to the grandmother, and began to see and feel her grandmother in a different way. During an earlier session, the client had traveled back into a specific memory with her grandmother, and in the memory, saw her grandmother's face as very strict and angry, as she remembered her on occassion. She felt as if she was right there with her grandmother again. After we worked to clear the energy and the pain connected to the relationship, the next time the grandmother appeared in another session, the client saw her grandmothers face again but this time, her grandmother’s face was softer, kinder and even seemed happier, and the energy was lighter. The client was very emotional and was very relieved to have felt this healing with her grandmother's spirit and also to have supported her grandmother’s spirit in being set free from the emotional pain energy that was between them.
Another important note:- not all ancestors are meant to be guides. However, through this work, clients have been able to also support transmuting the energy with an ancestor and on occasion, transmuting and healing the pain in the lineage also shifts the energy the ancestor walks with - and they can become a guide in spirit for a person, if the person desires. While that is the case for some, sometimes all that people are meant to do is heal the connection with the ancestor, and have peace around the spirit as there are times when a person is clear that they just want to clear the connection/pain and not have them spirit as a guide (but will have another/others come through that are). The clarity of this also comes through in this process as well.
With this work, it is encouraged to be open to what type of guides you have, as not all are relatives, and not all are in human form. For some people, in addition to (or in place of humans/relatives), they have been visited by angels, dieties, their God, specific trees, animals - and other beings- showing up as their guides.
“In one of my healing sessions with Selome, one of my intentions was to connect with a spirit guide. During the session, there was a part where I felt like someone was with me and I asked who it was. I realized it was my friend who had passed on, and she was trying to show me something.
She told me there were a lot of eyes on me and that’s not a bad thing but a good thing. She said not to worry that I’m going to get what I want in life. She said she knows I will get what I want and will help make sure it happens. I could feel her just hanging out with me the whole session. I asked again if it was her and she said, “You know it’s me.”
It felt like an energy and frequency of her and I was making out her words from the energy. I could see images of her, too, and it was as if she was a white floating light. She was coming into my thoughts. I asked her to show me blatant signs of her and she kept showing me butterflies (and I’ve seen them a lot since). She was reassuring me that she was watching over us. I also saw a woman with an African scarf who is guiding me.”
This work will be done through a combination of energy healing/root extraction sessions, subconscious deprogramming, trauma work as needed, spirit guide chord link, intuitive counseling, spiritual guidance, setting clear intentions, law of attraction, and practices, tools and exercises for true integration. I also work with a team of spirit guides to support the manifestation of these clearings and connections (in deep gratitude for them). Everyone’s timeline and journey with this work is different, but with time, alchemy and root work, it is all possible to occur. Both myself as a practitioner and the client will receive information, messages, clarity and downloads, as well as suggestions and guidance along the journey.
The timeline for this process will vary for everyone - but a minimum of 4 sessions is suggested to begin. While some people may experience contact in the first session after never having experienced it before, they will likely need more clearing, integration and support for the connection to be fully rooted and continue in their lives.
Once the clearing and connection is made - many people who have experienced this healing and subsequent connection, are able to continue feeling, seeing and or receiving messages, support, protection, guidance and love from their ancestors and/or spirit guides after the sessions, and in their life going forward.
If this is something that speaks to you, please send me a message to discuss the details.
“I met a new spirit guide during one of my sessions with Selome- he had a male energy, somebody that felt very very old. He felt like an older healer. He had on some ceremonial garb and was very energetic. I asked him what I could call him and he told me his name!”
“During my sessions with Selome, it was so comforting to have my mother visit me. I could see her sometimes, and I would hear her say “I am always with you”. It’s helped me so much in my grieving process to know that she is doing ok and that I can still connect with her.”