i'm beyond grateful to be offering this healing work. so honored that folks trust me to hold space for them. so humbled by what people share they experience from each session. even a couple of years into the journey, i'm still in awe every.single.time.~ at not only the spiritual, physical and emotional releases/shifts it provides for others, but the way it also continues to lift me up and expand me in all kinds of juicy ways. a reciprocal healing. a return to the essence is what it feels like for me. each session is a reflection of one truth i want to always be present to: we are more than our physical bodies...the energetic and spiritual realms are powerful...and accessing them can help shift and heal ourselves, our insights, our health, our emotions, our communities, our people, our planetary home. there's been a cryout for shifts on this level for some time. it's happening now...slowly, here, there...in some spaces, in little ripples, in many hearts, with the birth of star children, with disasters both natural and not. humanity is being cleansed and will continue to heal because, why wouldn't it? the cracking open eventually leads to light no matter how much darkness has to be experienced until we arrive. my personal journey precisely. as rumi says..."the wound is the place where the light enters you". thankful for this journey, to be part of a larger healing movement, contributing in my way, and to have arrived here after coming through so so much. i'm still growing, healing and learning everyday, as those are continuums for us all~and still feel like a "baby" on this path~but each moment i am stepping into it further with ease and grace, learning to claim it strong. blessed to able to offer healing in personal and communal spaces where it's not easily accessed. may this continue, in all its beautiful manifestations and variations throughout the spheres. gracias a dios