This class will take place over 2 sessions
Class Title:
How to Help Others Create a Sustainable System of Self-Care, Correlations between Habits and Health, and Helping Clients Have Agency over Their Health; The importance of not owning a mental health “label” and believing in healing capacity and alchemical magic
Class Details:
Implementing mental and body self-care with possibly limited resources: Identify how to create an entirely new and sustainable system of self-care to support individuals in maintaining sustainable wellness where personal barriers/lack of access may be present; support people in learning how to have active agency and power over their health outside of the medical field to be sovereign beings, and understand that they can have control over how they feel, what they absorb and more. This session is focused on learning how to support clients in drawing correlations between personal habits, patterns, and mental/emotional health; of generating and growing conscious awareness of self. How to support clients in making lasting changes with practices and behavior change and how to implement them while resolving various historical challenges that may be present; a focus on the importance of not owning a diagnosis or over-identifying with limiting labels that don’t explore the root and layers (exploring what happens on an energetic level when someone does over-identify, and what happens when they release this) and some alternative ways to refer to mental and emotional challenges so that shifts are possible; changing relationship to the words used to describe pain. Helping people engage in alchemy and being their own healer going forward. Case studies will be included.