Mental Health Holistic Healing Practitioner Training

Topic overview

Class Title:

What is Mental Health Holistic Healing; Why the Holistic Healing & Integrative Approach to Mental Health as an Alternative to Conventional Response; Decolonizing & Depathologizing Mental Health Approaches; Making Healing Accessible and Possible - Solution Oriented Model of Transformation & Alchemy

Class Details:

An introduction to mental health holistic healing, what it consists of, and why an alternative and integrative holistic healing approach to mental health wellness is necessary and has been proven to be effective for lasting transformation. This section will also explore the understanding that depression, anxiety, trauma, spiritual crisis, unhealthy patterns, cycles and belief systems can be healed and the ways in which transformation and clearings can happen for clients, as an alternative to the traditional psychology lens, conventional medicine and psychotropic medication (or in conjunction with where needed); exploration of how to decolonize the mental health approach and ground in indigenous-rooted, accessible, natural and culturally relevant practices of healing; Understanding the limitations with medical diagnosis and western psychology and how they can inhibit lasting healing if done without integration, and how to depathologize mental health when working with clients; healing rooted in care over profit and helping people have agency over their well-being. The Solution Oriented Model of Transformation & Alchemy will be explained. Exploration of what it means to continue growing alternative means to healing, “creating something new”, and moving with audacity.  Evolution, intentions and genesis of this work/training will be shared; introductions and invitation to share personal journeys/motivations will open the space.